Jumat, 29 Mei 2020

opportunity .

0 .productive meaningful live, exhaust yourself .

1 .tujuan asli akherat
2 .dunia bagian dari godaan
3 .jang maneh keneh sorangan
4 .pahala
5 .kebahagiaan itu iman yang productive

Melihat positif apa yang tersisa .

Terapkan hukum-hukumnya ketika melewati kehidupan , 
dan maknai .

Kesempatan dan hidup bukan untuk bertenang-tenang .

1.One by one
3.Trust in plan, have own way to make things work (stay problem, leave problem)
4.Best caus no.3 and not the worst.
5.positive or optimis, soalna rugi jeung berakibat buruk lamun urang geus pesimis tapi kanyataana urg teh dibere kasalametan .
6.Dengan beiman pasti leuwih di gampangkeun .
7.tujuan:jang diri urang sorangan
8.dunia, shape our mind ;
9. Bukti tawakal .

2.hidup adalah perjalanan (akherat)
5.opportunity for ourself .
6.rek kitu wae .
7.nikmati yang ada.
8.not worst.
10.takdir .
11.balasan pahala kebaikan .
12.manusia memiliki kehendak . (Didasari pemahaman)
13.beriman kepada takdir .
14.mengharap bimbingan .
15. Dan pembuktian rasa tawakal .

Dualitas, don't feel bad for anxiety and depress, the more you try to make it disappear the more you focus on it and the more you feel it so bad and worst , just take it as part of your life, you can be grieb and anguish but remember still so much thing you kan thankful .

divine . iman kesadaran dan keyakinan. dunia ujian, lupa, terlena dan diperdaya . 

Inilah alasan kenapa dunia tidak bisa dijadikan tujuan, karena sementara dan aka merasa terbiasa (bosan) .

Yang baik belum tentu baik, yang buruk belum tentu buruk. Yang terpenting adalaj ada nilai kebaikan di mata allah .
Utamakan kehidupan akherat .
Ada allah, rahmat allah yang maha kuasa .

Worldly ; never ending .

Bisa kesempatan sementara.

Pleasure or time .

Bertaqwa, purpose, berguna .

Kemauan yang tinggi .
Exhaust, free time, kemudahan .

Good to you, and worst from you .
Come and go
Good life
Strenght only come from allah
For yourself
Good thing
Strength duamedication,connection
Sementara, trial, true destination keep head going on .
Hard to believe and there is a prove to believe. 
Faith janji allah and do good deeds.
Al-quran= strength, why and what and that is a faith .

Faith productive happiness achievement purpose

Faith productive emotional/spiritual
World productive materialism

Achievement happiness .

Kemungkinan terburuk

All this things around is not suppose to press you, but to give you meaningful life.

Ampunan dosa
Selamat dunia akherat
Harta yang melimpah
Mata keimanan
Hati yang kuat.
Berbaik sangka
Berpegang teguh pada keimanan
Hati yamga tenang
Dilapangkan dada dengan rahmat-NYA.
Keinginan yang kuat untuk menggunakan waktu sebaik-baiknya dengan beribadah
Diberikan kemudahan yang lebih besar di bandingkan kesulitan yang ada. 
Senantiasa bersyukur
Beribadah baik kepadamu .

Guidance, problem to another problem, gratitude, prove that allah give pleasure, planner and mighty, believer . Diterapkan . Amal . Amalan hati, keyakinan .

I want. Close (ibadah) . Guidance, solved, closer (akherat). Dificult neraka, kemudahan surga, dunia sementara .

Difficulty (ibadah) come ease (surga) .

Achievement, big picture, analogi, materi dunia, ibadah akherat . Kesulitan dunia bisa jadi jalan mnju akherat . Karena allah yg kuasa . Ujungnya kita beribadah .

Ibadah (exhaust) kemudahan akherat dan dunia .

Productive(exhaust) (akherat) tujuan dan ibadah .
Setan forget on the train . Absorb and doesn't help .
Lost , distraction . Fana . Faoled hope .

Lamun sadar hidup sementara, mudah fokus kana tujuan (akherat).
Conclusion meeting with allah .

Selasa, 19 Mei 2020

psych2go overachieving exhausting bijak.

Dengan urang boga usaha ,urang bisa melakukan apapun yang urang inginkan. 
Seperti orang lain

Penyebab mengeluh . Keinginan
Menyesuaikan, menyalahkan diri sendiri .
Ambisi, ego , hanya untuk kepentingan pribadi .

Kemampuan antara pendapat hidup dengan kebutuhan hidup dan gaya hidup. 

Empty, eweuh btur ngbrol, sharing, intimacy .

1. You blame yourself for things out of your control.

It's good to take responsibility for the mistakes you make, but when you're too hard on yourself it's easy to forget that you're human too. When something doesn't go the way you planned or expect it to you begin to beat yourself up over it eventhough you tried your best, instead of blaming yourself accept what you cannot change and focus on the things you can to make the situation better .

2. Allow what you can't control to just be .

It's great to take responsibility for your own actions and be proactive. 
This is how you can live an active, meaningful life when you strive for your goals and dreams, but it's important to recognize that there is only so much that we have control over, instead of analyzing the things we think we can prevent or taking extreme precaution to make sure something doesn't happen again, we should assess what degree of control is healthy. 
There will always be some things, no matter how carefully we plan, that happen unexpectedly, and the only thing we can do is wait it out .

In a culture that values achievement, success and productivity, it's easy to lose yourself in your work, a lot of us have been brought up to believe that we must always push ourselves to excel and do our very best all the time, however it's important to know when to draw the line and find the time to care for ourselves and put our emotional needs first .

Sabtu, 16 Mei 2020

mengeluh (logika) .

But still (masih ada yang bisa dinikmati)
Karena kenikmatan berbagai macam jenisnya .

Minggu, 10 Mei 2020

lock down

Hal baru, tidak menyenangkan, pesimis .

Bersyukur, kesempatan, gambaran besar .

Menerima, fokus pada yg tidak bisa, fokus pada yang bisa, tujuan al-quran, ngeunah .

Sabtu, 09 Mei 2020


Masih ada yang bisa kamu syukuri dan harus mengutamakan kepentingan akherat .

Godaan dan kemampuan, meminta .

Comes and go , menjaga dan meningkatkan .