Kamis, 29 April 2021

expect for the best (perspective. heavy lesson. ).

[30/4 22.36] Irfan Irfana: Step A-side dunya(even though at moment), toward akherat.
[30/4 22.40] Irfan Irfana: I am not good,  then make it good.

Positive thinking
Ahli ibadah. 
Iman, takdir. 
Destiny, still. 
Time, passing by. 
Memang ahli ibadah Dan fokus kepada akherat tidak mendatangkan kekayaan?  Justru sebaliknya,  melimpahkan rejeki Dan mendapatkan pahala. 
Through. And anything could happend? (Worst) 
You just need to hope for the best.